BIRTH - PRE-K: In our nursery and preschool rooms, babies are snuggled and sung to, while preschoolers enjoy structured class time with a Bible story, craft, activities, music, snack and playtime each week.
KINDERGARTEN - 3RD GRADE: Berean Kids come to meet with God and others, to listen, and to have fun! Each week we worship together, have open discussions about Bible lessons, pray for one another, and participate in fun activities.
4TH - 5TH GRADE: Berean Preteens is geared to be fun and relational while providing creative bible teaching, missions activities, and overnight retreats to help preteens grow in their walk with Jesus.


Our Family Room is always open, with a live stream of the service, if needed. Childcare for Birth - K4 is always available every Sunday for both services while you attend the worship service.

Kid's Grow Classes
(Birth - 5th Grade)
Kid's Worship
(Birth - 5th Grade)
Family Worship
(K - 5th Grade)
1ST SUNDAYS AT 9:15 & 11 AM
PreK Worship
(Birth - K4)
1ST SUNDAYS AT 9:15 & 11 AM

In the summer and for any service where Berean Kids is not offered, we invite kids (ages Kindergarten and up) to experience family-style worship with their parents. The first Sunday of every month is Family Worship at Berean.  This allows kids to witness baptisms and kids who have accepted Jesus as their savior to participate in communion with their parents. 


We want to equip, partner, support, and encourage you as you lead your child to discover Jesus. We would love for you to join us on Mother's Day Sunday for a time of commitment and celebration as we dedicate ourselves and our families to the lifelong journey of wholeheartedly following Jesus. 


Kid Faith is a class for kids to learn about salvation and baptism. The faith foundations we talk about in the class are so important as kids are making the decision to follow Christ. We require all elementary-age children attend the class prior to being baptized at Berean. 


Our Awana Clubs meet Wednesday nights from 6-8 PM from September to March for preschool through 6th grade. Awana develops a biblical foundation and teaches kids to live a life of wisdom and grace.


Berean Kids partners with families to help children know and follow Jesus while uniting multiple people groups with the Gospel.

What to Expect

We want you and your kids to feel safe and have fun here at Berean. Here are some frequently asked about topics.

When you first enter our building through the main lobby, you will see our Berean Kids check-in counter on the left. You will receive a name tag for each child, as well as a matching parent tag. Our greeters will help you find your child’s classroom. Children are assigned to a class based on birthdate, with promotion in late April each year. For safety, you will be required to show your parent tag when picking up your child.

Please take your child to the restroom prior to check-in.

Check-in begins 15 minutes before each service. Please pick up your child promptly at the end of service.

Keeping your child safe is one of our highest priorities. All of our Berean Kids volunteers complete background checks, as well as specific training for their area of service. Also, our areas are secured with locked hallway doors and team members checking visitors in and out during the services.

Our rooms are thoroughly cleaned to provide a safe and healthy environment for your child. We ask that you please keep your child at home if they are ill.

If you have questions about Berean Kids, we would love to hear from you! Please email

Partnering with Families

At Berean Kids, we provide safe, clean, fun environments as we teach from the Bible, sing songs, and participate in activities to connect kids to the lesson and to each other.

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