Life Is Better Together
Acts 2:42 "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
Disciples (followers of Jesus) are called to be together in community.  At Berean we call our community groups "Grow Groups".  A Grow Group is a small group led by a shepherd leader that meets in homes or on campus regularly for care, prayer, and sharing life and God's Word together. Every member and attender of Berean is encouraged to be a part of a Grow Group.
Join A Group

Not sure where to start? Fill out the form below; we'd love to help you get connected.



Most of our Groups are “open”. You can visit or join at any time. Most Groups restart at the beginning of September, but there are also new groups starting throughout the year. If you need help finding a group, please feel free to contact our Discipleship Pastor.

One of the great things about Groups is that they fit with different schedules. Pick the day and time that works best for you, then select the group nearest to you that works. Please check with the group leader for specific times and details.

Our groups are designed to include caring for one another, praying for one another, and sharing built around God's Word. This is done in a relaxed environment that may also include a meal or refreshments.

Childcare is handled differently by each Group, depending on the needs and preferences of the members of the group. In some Groups, the children join right in the Bible Study. Other Groups choose to take turns watching young children in an adjoining room. Contact the Group leader for specifics.

When you sign up, the leader of your new group will contact you with the address of the group’s meeting place, the date and time of the next meeting, and all the information you need to have a great experience!

Lead a Group

Interested in leading a group? Group leaders play an essential role in discipleship at Berean! Click below to fill out a Group leader application.